Number of Campus Sites
Campus Site, Institute Main Campus (Andijan MachineBuilding Institute, Uzbekistan)

Campus Site, Institute Automotive Engineering Campus (Andijan MachineBuilding Institute, Uzbekistan

Campus Site, Institute Automotive Engineering Campus (Andijan MachineBuilding Institute, Uzbekistan

The institution was established in 1976 as the Andijan branch of the Tashkent Institute of National Economy. In 1986, it was transformed into the Institute of Management and Economics. In accordance with the proposal to change and reorganize the specialization of the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Specialized Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan, agreed with relevant ministries, departments and economic associations, by Presidential Decree №214 of July 25, 2011, on the basis of the Andijan Institute of Engineering and Economics №319 of July 29, 2011 was established Andijan Machine-building Institute.
Main Campus is The Andijan Machine-Building Institute’s largest campus at 12 hectare. Part of the Institute since 1998, the campus is widely regarded as one of the largest and most attractive in the country. Set in extensive greenery and around a river, Main Campus is the focus of life for students, staff and visitors. Conveniently located only 5 km far away from the city center. The Machine-Building Campus is a modern purpose-built campus which now extends to 5 hectare and is located a km away from the Main campus. In this campus, labs, machine techniques, robotic factory and technical incubators located.